FollowerAudit API Documentation

A detailed guide and reference materials for FollowerAudit API to help you get started, integrate, optimize, and troubleshoot your use of the platform.


In this documentation, you can find the demonstration of various API endpoints that you can use and the parameters that are available on calling them. In the left side menu, different API endpoints are grouped by topic. You can also check the multiple code examples that demonstrate the uses of these API endpoints using your preferred programming language.


Your requests are authenticated using API keys in the Followeraudit API. Keep in mind that your API key carries many privileges, so make sure you keep them secure! Avoid disclosing your private API keys in locations that are open to the public, such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. Your API authentication is handled using HTTP authorization. As the value for the default auth identifier, provide your API key. You won't be required to supply a password.

Requests to APIs without authentication will also be rejected.

HTTP Response Code

These error codes are produced on their given conditions

200 = Successful operation
400 = Parameter missing
401 = Unauthorized
403 = IP/Domain restricted
409 = Parameter duplicate
415 = Unsupported type
422 = Unprocessable entity
429 = Too many requests
500 = Internal server error
Newaudit: /api/1/newaudit

The newaudit endpoint provides an audit report for a given username or twitter id of a twitter user.

It accepts two parameters as form data:

  • username (required): String
  • twitter_id (optional) : Int or String
  • refresh (optional) : set 1 to get latest audit report

If refresh is set to '1', or auditing is still in progress at that time then you will receive an audit_id, as a response which you can use to check the status of your audit report later on '/api/1/getaudit' endpoint.

Request Parameters:


bearer-token (required) string Your API key


username (required) String Username of Twitter user
twitter_id (optional) String or int Twitter id of twitter user
refresh (optional) default 0 Set 1 to get latest audit report

Note: Either provide username or twitter_id.

Response Object:
status String Status shows the status of your request. If the request was successful then it shows success, in case of error it shows error. In the case of error a code and message property will be displayed
result Array audit_id / Audit report Object

Response object details

  • user_id: User id of the Twitter user
  • fa_score: FollowerAudit score of the audited user in percentage
  • world_avg_fa_score: World average FollowerAudit score in percentage
  • fake: Percentage of Fake followers
  • inactive: Percentage of Inactive followers
  • active: Percentage of Active followers
  • verified: Percentage of Verified followers
  • protected: Percentage of Protected followers
  • long_time_inactive: Number of followers inactive for a long time
  • very_less_tweets: Number of followers with very less tweets
  • very_less_followers: Number of followers with very less followers
  • without_pic: Number of followers without profile picture
  • without_bios: Number of followers without bios
  • uneven_ff_ratio: Number of followers with uneven followers following ratio
  • without_location: Number of followers without location information
  • without_url: Number of followers without URL
  • spamy_name: Number of followers with spamy name/username
  • followers_quality: Percentage of followers with their respective quality score out of 10
  • followers_location: Number of fake, inactive and active followers of the Twitter account based on the location
  • followers_joining_year: Number of fake, inactive and active followers of the Twitter account based on their Twitter joining year
  • user: User details Object
Sample Response
Sample Response
Bulkaudit: /api/1/bulkaudit

Audit multiple twitter users in a single request.

It accepts two parameters as form data:

  • username (required) : comma separated Twitter username
  • twitter_id (optional): Comma separated Twitter id
  • refresh : set 1 to get latest audit score
  • If refresh is set to '1', or auditing is still in progress at that time then you will receive an audit_id, as a response which you can use to check the status of your audit report later on '/api/1/getaudit' endpoint.
Request Parameters:


bearer-token (required) string Your API key


username (required) String Comma seprated Twitter username
twitter_id (required) String Comma separated Twitter Id
refresh (optional) default 0 Set 1 to get latest audit score
Response Object:
status String Status shows the status of your request. If the request was successful then it shows success, in case of error it shows error. In the case of error a code and message property will be displayed
result Array Audit report Objects with Audit id
Sample Response
Sample Response

Auditstatus: /api/1/getaudit

Return the current status of your audit report. If your requested audit report is completed then api return the audit report object.

Request Parameters:


bearer-token (required) string Your API key


audit_id (required) string Audit id to check the newaudit or bulkaudit status
Response Object:
Status String Status shows the status of your request. If the request was successful then it shows success, in case of error it shows error. In the case of error a code and message property will be displayed.
result String/Array
  • in_progress
  • failed
  • Audit Report Object
Sample Response
Sample Response

FollowerAudit API Python Client

Use the Followeraudit Python client library to integrate Followeraudit API into your Python application.


$ pip install followerauditapi

from followeraudit.FauditAPIclient import FauditAPIclient

# API key authorization, Initialize the client with your API key


# For getting the audit report for a given user


#For getting the latest audit report for a given user set refresh=1


#For getting audit report in bulk use bulkaudit method

users = ['user1','user2','user3'] OR users = "user1,user2,user3"


#Note: you can also use the refresh parameter in bulkaudit to get the latest audit report for all users.

#For checking your audit status use auditstatus method


FollowerAudit API PHP Client

Use the Followeraudit PHP client library to integrate Followeraudit API into your PHP application.


$ composer require faudit/fauditapi

use FauditApi\FauditApi;

# API key authorization, Initialize the client with your API key

$auditapiObj = new FauditApi(FOLLOWERAUDIT_API_KEY);

# For getting the audit report for a given user

$response = $auditapiObj->newaudit('exampleuser');

#For getting the latest audit report for a given user set refresh=1

$response = $auditapiObj->newaudit('exampleuser',1);

#For getting audit report in bulk use bulkaudit method

$users = "user1,user2,user3";

$response = $auditapiObj->bulkaudit($users);

#Note: you can also use the refresh parameter in bulkaudit to get the latest audit report for all users.

#For checking your audit status use auditstatus method

$response = $auditapiObj->auditstatus($audit_id);