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new twitter api

Twitter under Elon Musk’s run has done a lot of experimental things for Twitter and now Twitter launched a new Twitter API. Twitter has recently launched its highly-anticipated new API. This updated interface provides developers with new tools and features to create more innovative applications that can better engage Twitter’s massive user base.

In this article, we will cover information regarding the new Twitter API and everything you should know about the new Twitter API.

Twitter shared the information via its Twitter Dev account: “Today we are launching our new Twitter API access tiers! We`re excited to share more details about our self-serve access.” Initially, the organization had intended to close down free admittance to its Programming interface on February 9. However, later stretched out the cutoff time to February 13 and afterward again deferred it.

 New Twitter API Plans

Besides, these three levels incorporate a fundamental free level essentially expected for content posting bots, a $100 each month fundamental level, and a costly endeavor level. True to form, the organization is keeping a complementary plan with restricted usefulness, however it offers definitely not exactly its ancestor. Under the new complimentary plan, which is focused on bots and other “testing” purposes, records can present up to 1,500 tweets per month.

Unfortunately, some features won’t be available. This might help popular bot accounts on Twitter, but they can only post up to 50 tweets per day, which might not be enough for accounts that post more often.

In this new Twitter API at $100 per month, the new “essential” level offers a touch more. Users can receive up to 3,000 tweets per month, while apps can receive up to 50,000 tweets per month. It likewise offers a read restriction of 10,000 tweets per month, which, once more, is undeniably not as much as what was recently advertised.

Why Shift to New Twitter API?

The Twitter API v2 features not only brand-new functionality but also enhanced replacement endpoints. The standard v1.1, premium v1.1, and enterprise products as well as a foundation that is both more up-to-date and more long-lasting.

Twitter has said that it will depreciate the older version of API and encourage users to shift to newer versions. In addition to Tweet, user, Spaces, Lists, and media objects, additional metrics are now accessible. Some of these metrics can be broken down into an organic or promoted context for Tweet ads, and they are both public and private. 

Tweet metadata can be edited through the Twitter API v2 endpoints. On September 1, 2022, the Edit Tweet feature was initially made available for testing among Twitter employees. 

Tweets that qualify can be edited up to five times beginning on that date for a period of thirty minutes. Additionally, even if the Tweet was never edited, all Tweet objects created after September 29, 2022, include Tweet edit metadata. A new Tweet ID is created each time a Tweet is edited. By chaining these IDs together, starting with the original ID. One can describe the edit history of a Tweet. A developer can utilize the Twitter API v2 to determine.

if a Tweet was editable when it was created. Tweets with polls or scheduled tweets, for example, cannot be edited. Tweets are editable for 30 minutes and can be altered up to multiple times. You can see how many more edits are possible and how much time remains for editing editable tweets.

If a Tweet has been edited, the API will typically return the most recent version, unless a specific previous version is requested by Tweet ID. The amount of attention paid to each Tweet version.

FollowerAudit Twitter API

There is an amazing Twitter audit tool known as FollowerAudit. It allows you to audit any publicly available Twitter account. It helps you to get an insight into any public Twitter account’s followers. The AI-driven analysis tool from FollowerAudit looks at your entire Twitter follower list and gives you a list. It includes a list of fake followers when the auditing is finished.

You can check out’s there Twitter API in which you can get detailed Twitter followers audit stats in JSON format. Which includes fake followers percentage, FA score, and unlimited Twitter accounts for bulk auditing.

To get FollowerAudit API, you must visit their website by clicking here and request your audit by contacting them. Then the team will get back to you and once your request is approved you with an API key. You need to enter your API key to get access to the audit report then enter the “Twitter username” of the user whose audit you want to run. Get the results in JSON format and use it anywhere you want.


Finally, we have covered all the things to know about the new Twitter API. You can visit Twitter’s documentation and know more about what’s new in V2. To know more about information related to Twitter and Twitter tools stay tuned for upcoming blogs.

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